Friday 8 April 2011

Free Women - The Robes, The Arrogance and The Suspected Truth

Firstly, what is a Free Woman?


A Free Woman is a paradox, according to the books, a conundrum that can only be solved with a collar. They are both respected, and despised by men and slaves.


But what are they really? Well, let’s look at the facts. A free woman is -

  • A woman, without a collar
  • A woman who dislikes her sex
  • A woman who has a dislike, disdain, or arrogance towards men


So.. in basics, a ‘Free Woman’ is a cross between a feminist, and an arrogant ‘normal’ woman! What’s so special about that!? I mean, any woman I see in the supermarket, by this definition, can be classed as a ‘Free Woman’ - does it make them Gorean? No.


People say that what separates, and defines, a Free Woman, from the general population of ‘women’ is her ‘honour’. But, sadly, I’ve known ‘Free Women’, people that men consider ‘real and genuine’ Free Women - who are anything but honourable! So I find the idea to be illusive and rather pathetic.


There are also a lot of statements in the books about Gorean Free Women hating slaves, for they are free, but unable to understand the true delights of life, and of femininity, that only slavery can give. This, I believe, is closer to the truth - as all the women I’ve ever had the misfortune to be acquainted with are spiteful, rude, and down right nasty towards slaves, attempting to ruin their name, and reputation with lies and trickery.


Behind the Robes of Concealment are insecure (normally older) women. They attack and condemn slaves, for being what they can not - true to themselves. They prefer to hide behind thick ‘robes’ (arrogant and self-righteous attitudes), and pretend to be equal to men, ignoring the fact that they could, should a man wish it, be quickly reminded this is not the case.

The Robes are seen as a ‘protection’ from the big, bad, men - which is why a lot of hurt ‘slaves’ coming out of bad relationships turn to the proud arrogance of a Free Woman. But, unfortunately, this is only a figment of their imagination, it might be a position ‘higher’ than a slave, but that does not mean the women within can be protected from pain or harm.

By referring to themselves as ‘Free Women’, the women (normally BDSM dommes) unwittingly count themselves out of Gor all together. After all, Gor is a male-led lifestyle, so what is the point of wanting to be a dominant woman, in a lifestyle that clearly condemns such things?

By insisting on being included in the lifestyle, in a position that isn’t in tune to their natural state (women being naturally subservient to men throughout history), they deny themselves the joy and fulfilment that comes from being a slave to the best of one’s abilities.

What opportunity does a Free Woman have to feel the joy of slavery, the joy of serving men, and the pleasure of knowing men approve of her actions? None. If any, she hides in the deepest depths of her thoughts lest her desires be discovered. There is no fulfilment in hiding feelings, natural born instincts.

This is the reason for the cattiness and bitterness of Free Women towards slaves - they are jealous. It is sadly, a consequence of the politically correct world we live in, where woman are forced to fight to be equal to men.

Are they Gorean? I don’t believe so - being Gorean is being true to one’s instincts and nature. What is ‘natural’ about a woman being dominant?

~I wish you well~

~kamira, slave of Asmodeus~


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