Both from John Normans latest book, the fourth in the Telnarian Histories, The Usurper.
The lion who pretends to be a lamb is a hypocrite; the lion who tries to be a lamb is a fool; the lion who thinks he is a lamb is insane.
"The least retreat," said Julian, "will be understood as a sign of weakness; it will arm enemies, and inspirit defiance. The first rock removed from a wall makes the second easier to dislodge."
This isn't going to be PC, and it isn't going to please everyone - but this is my take on Gor and what it means to be Gorean in our world. I'm not the 'be-all-end-all' of Gor. But if this helps one person look at things from a slightly different angle - I'm happy. Contact details, and more information about the blog are available on the 'The Blog & Me' page. This is not a 'shortcut' to being Gorean - the best way still remains to READ THE BOOKS!
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Permission to use any of the content must be sought from either the author, or Asmodeus. Details on how to contact can be found on the 'Blog and Me' page.
©The House of Asmodeus