Friday, 21 March 2014

Bad Habits that Must be Broken

Given than JN based his series on historical fact – it stands to reason that his ideal kajira has none of the ‘traditional’ bad habits. This makes it difficult for us, as obviously we are raised in a modern world. Men, and Free, have less of an issue – they can do as they please, to a certain extent. Slaves on the other hand, have to unlearn many things that are considered ‘normal.’

The Seven Deadly Sins are: Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Sloth and Wrath.

Ira – (Wrath) – Wrath, or rage, is an uncontrollable feeling of anger or hatred. It fuels violence and harm.
It’s clear that a violent slave would QUICKLY learn not to be so, or face the wrath of a much stronger free man. Slaves may not touch weapons (although, in reality, this isn’t so black and white - I’m permitted to clean and move them, I’m just to ask permission first)

Luxuria – (Lust) – While we now associate ‘lust’ with sex, or sexual need, the Latin origin ACTUALLY has a far broader meaning. Thus, someone can be ‘lusting after’ or desiring  money, success or even more basic needs like food.
This traditional meaning has far more meaning than the modern version, in a Gorean sense, as a slave should not desire money, fame or power. Such things are not for Gorean slaves, we are considered chattel ourselves, and so we are to be lusted over, not to be lustful ourselves. What we are given, is what we need – there is no reason for more. 

Gula/Gluttire – (Gluttony) – The over consumption of food, eating too many meals a day, eating too quickly or generally eating ‘too rich’ food.
Slaves ARE permitted to eat quickly, although it is more pleasurable for the free to watch a slave eat slowly, savouring the food she has been permitted. It is rare that a slave gets the opportunity to eat as much as they like, as they are expected to keep to their optimum block measurements.

Acedia – (Sloth) –  Sloth is often shown as laziness, by not doing what you should, or are expected to do.
This is an unacceptable trait for a slave, they are expected to behave according to their status.
There is a difference between being lazy, and being (say) ill and having to lay down.

Avaritia – (Greed) – Greed is often linked with Gluttony, but Greed has a far broader meaning. It is often linked to the motivation to steal or deceive someone. It results, commonly, in gaining physical possessions.
Obviously, this is something slaves are not permitted. There are examples of slaves being greedy and stealing from their sisters, and even when out foraging for berries – but they are always swiftly punished and understand it is not something they should aspire to. There is also an example of a new slave being questioned, and the free men being disappointed with her deceptive answers.

Invidia – (Envy) – Like jealousy, envy is the need and want for someone elses possessions, social standing or traits (looks or personality). It often results in happiness when another person loses that which is envied.
While it is known, widely, that slaves envy other slaves their position (favourite to the master, more freedoms than them, etc) BUT it is not acceptable for them to envy the free – the free woman, however, is sometimes said to envy a slaves freedom.

Superbia – (Pride) – Pride is considered the oldest and most deadly of the seven sins. It is often considered a prerequisite to the other six as it is the belief that you are fundamentally more important than others, to the point of ignoring the successes and accomplishments of others, even ‘playing down’ their abilities.
One of the most commonly commented on in the books, especially in relation to slaves. It is stated NUMEROUS times that a slave is not permitted pride, and it is clear why!

For those not familiar with Latin do not confuse these words with ‘Real Gorean Words,’ they are the Latin/Original names for our now commonly used ‘seven sins’. Such words in Gorean are never stated.

So those are the 'Seven Gorean Sins', as interpreted by ME - at least for a slave. Something for everyone to aspire to, I'm sure.


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